In our country, the fight against the outbreak of the epidemic has been badly delivered, and no effective measures have been taken against the spread of the epidemic. To be tested for coronavirus, a resident of Latvia must pay 80 euros.
Until this day, not a single case of the disease has been detected in Latvia, despite the fact that in all neighboring countries: Estonia, Russia, Belarus and Lithuania, such cases have already been recorded. There were ruling politicians who regarded this as a small “victory” of Latvia! Simply they knew nothing about the amount of infected people – nobody was really trying to look for them.

The stores have already risen in price and ran out of some types of essential goods. Masks ended in pharmacies in Riga and other cities a few days ago, which is why people cannot visit their relatives in hospitals where wearing masks is mandatory.
Until now, no serious measures have been introduced to prevent the virus. There is no control over entering regions affected by the epidemic; the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (Slīmību profilakses un kontroles centrs, SPKC) recommends “negotiating with the employer about remote work” and “monitoring well-being” – extremely superficial measures. In case of symptoms, it is recommended to call an ambulance.
It is worth noting that a separate team has been created in Riga to respond to calls about suspected coronavirus, which operates from 8am to 10pm. Its function is to take tests at home. The patient is not quarantined. In the regions of Latvia, in case of suspected coronavirus, the patient is taken to Riga and placed in the Center for Infectology. This is the only institution in Latvia capable of receiving quarantine patients with coronavirus. At the moment, only one hundred beds are ready to receive patients in it.
The so-called “home quarantine” is actively used. This is a fictitious measure that has no effect on the spread of the virus. When a person visits a medical institution with symptoms of the virus, they isolate him, at best, the next day, when his relatives will probably continue the chain of infections.
Unlike, for example, Russia and Belarus, in the educational institutions of Latvia no centralized measures are taken to prevent coronavirus. For example, students and teachers of the University of Latvia are not informed about the spread of the virus and the risks of the disease. There are no disinfection, no regular temperature measurements in students, no quarantine is introduced in dormitories. Despite a significant share of foreign students, nothing is done in Latvian universities.
However, it is worth noting that not a single bourgeois country has taken sufficient measures to prevent a full-fledged epidemic/pandemic. The only country where the situation is radically different is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which we wrote about earlier.
The editors wish everyone to monitor the safety of their health and the health of their loved ones, temporarily refuse to visit crowded places, wash their hands more often and ventilate the room as often as possible.