Events of Week Through Eyes of Conscious Worker. #7
New Year brought us many new “surprises” from the ruling class. Fuel prices at gas stations have noticeably risen – owners have raised the prices. The CSB also warned of rising prices for goods and services for the population. And this means that the standard of living of a working person who lives from paycheck to paycheck is declining. Unless, of course, the employer has not increased your salary due to making the prices go higher. Many do not know or hush up the fact that in the USSR, before the transition to “market rails,” there was a constant decline in prices due to increased labor productivity. After all, in the socialist economy, the goal is the growth of prosperity and free development of the population, and not the extraction of maximum profit.

The dance around the OIK 1 continues. The Minister of Economics says it is impossible to abolish this mechanism, and therefore, all of us will have to feed the voracious exploiters for another year (and maybe more). The opinion of the working majority is, as always, ignored. The battle for warm places in the Riga City Council of the bourgeois parties also clearly demonstrates that the ruling class does not care about the common people and that they remember it only during the elections.
According to the polls, the majority of the population is dissatisfied with neither the president nor the ministers. A third of the residents believe that the level of education is falling, which is the logical result of numerous “optimizations.” Many Latvians look ahead with uncertainty, which also reflects everything that happens in the country.
Does this state of affairs suit you? Do you prefer to work all your life for the one who appropriates the results of your work, or do you prefer to work for the good of the whole society and use all the achievements of this society? Think it over. And if not for you, then your children will sooner or later have to resolve the contradictions between labor and capital.
Conscious worker