Visual Inflation

In our articles, we always give a clear definition of inflation – this is an increase in the price of all goods, except “labor force”. Let’s take a look at the headlines in the news outlets to see this.

“Banks have raised prices for services…”, “In Liepaja the heating tariff is raised…”, “To compensate for the rise in energy prices, most Latvian businessmen will raise prices for goods and services…”, “Rigas siltums JSC plans to double the heat tariff from October 2. This is evidenced by the company’s information on tariff changes…”. We could go on for a long time, but these examples are enough. Before our eyes the big capitalists and their henchmen raise prices with absolutely no fear of the reaction of the people. They are sure of their impunity, because they have all the power and the entire apparatus of violence and coercion in their hands, and the people make no attempt to fight back.

Recently we wrote about the British dockers who are fighting for their interests. Lufthansa employees are not far behind. Unfortunately, in Latvia, the teachers’ trade union once again called off a strike that the educators were ready to hold at the last minute.

The state declares represented by its officials: “How shameful to rock the boat in such difficult times!”, “The state has no money!”, etc. But in Western countries they do not pay attention to such statements, that is why their salaries are higher on average – they know what they are entitled to and can beat the capitalists for it.

Should wage earners care about the interests of the bourgeois state? After all, no one asks them when the capitalists raise prices. The state is not interested in how people will feed their children or pay their rent. The main goal of the capitalists’ activity is to increase their profits, and this is accomplished by oppressing the workers. We can deny the existence of a class struggle, but practice shows the opposite.